The new plan to renovate the police station has become a test for the city's ability to reconcile historical and financial concerns. 一方面民众担忧商业化将意味著这里将变成一个陌生的地方。还有一个难题是,为了保存历史遗迹要花多少代价?
Design of Leica Total Station Dynamic Frequency Test System Leica全站仪动态频率检测系统
Mobile power station automatic test equipment automatic engine test stand 移动电站自动测试设备发动机自动测试台架
Mobile power station automatic test equipment auxiliary equipment of nuclear power plant 移动电站自动测试设备原子能发电站辅助设备
Discussions on the Several Problems of Speed Governor System for the Turbine of Tidal Power Plant mobile power station automatic test equipment 潮汐能发电站水轮机调速设备若干问题的探讨移动电站自动测试设备
Its application in a middle-sized electric motor test station shows that the test automation is improved and the test data more objective and accurate. 实际应用表明提高了电机试验的自动化程度,使测试数据更加客观准确。
On the Construction of Examining Center for Mandarin Chinese in Higher Vocational Colleges; mobile power station automatic test equipment 试论高职院校普通话培训测试站的建设移动电站自动测试设备
Application of Test Station: Test Station is mainly applied to test the cathodic protection effect and operating parameter. 测试桩主要用于检测阴极保护效果和运行参数。
Brake dynamometer mobile power station automatic test equipment 轮制测功器制动测力计移动电站自动测试设备
This paper discusses initial-stage fire entity experiment in the subway station with test fire by lighting shredded paper, cotton rope and polyurethane plastic. 摘要采用碎纸、棉绳和聚氨酯塑料试验火,在地铁站台进行初期火灾实体试验。
Load Rejection Calculation for TGP Right Bank Power Station Hydro-generator Standardized commissioning test procedure for SCADA system in right bank of Three Gorges 三峡右岸水电站水轮机过渡过程计算分析三峡右岸水电站监控系统的标准化调试
Desing and achievement of the data processing method of the power station electrical performance test system 电站电气性能测试系统数据处理方法的设计与实现
Principle of axis error compensation of total station and its test method 全站仪轴系补偿原理及检验方法探讨
In station system test, the 8 AC filters passed the closing and opening test. 龙泉换流站站系统调试时,分别对8组交流滤波器进行了投切试验。
Application of Total Station in Deformation Test of Huge Steelwork 全站仪应用于大型钢结构屋架的变形测试
This article introduces the merit of Delphi multi thread and its application in master control program of automobile testing system, and realize that each station test is in progress orderly with the technology of critical zone. 本文介绍了Delphi多线程技术的优点和它在汽车检测系统主控程序中的应用,以及使用临界区技术实现了各个工位检测的有序进行。
Inner Force and Deflection Analysis in the Temporary Bridge of Metro Station Loading Test 地铁车站便桥结构承载试验内力挠度分析
Processing of observation data of P C type strainmeter at Xichang station and effect test 西昌地震台压容应变仪观测数据的处理及效果检验
Research on hydraulic characteristics of tail tunnel with sloping ceiling for hydropower station by model test 某电站变顶高尾水洞水力工作特性模型试验研究
The Substation Electrical Testing Coach ( EST-C1) is used for high voltage electrical equipment in substation or feeder station's preventive test and project's handing over test. EST-C1变电站电气试验车适用于电力变电站及电气化铁路牵引变电所的电力设备的工程交接试验及预防性试验。
Measurement on alternating electricity is very important in movable power station test. 交流电量测试是移动电站测试的重要内容。
In construction of signalling system in station, the station conduction test needs to be done to verify the correction of signalling equipment interlocking. 在车站信号工程的施工中,开通前都要进行车站联锁导通试验,以验证信号设备联锁的正确性。
In the new test system, RF and audio testing were combined into one station; the test efficiency is improved further. 新改进后的测试系统,将射频测试和音频测试结合在一个测试站里完成,进一步提高了测试效率和测试自动化程度。
Manufacture the base station antennas, and test. 加工制造基站天线,并进行测试调试工作。
The experiment data of movable hydraulic pumping station is obtained in test bench and validated theory analysis. 在实验台架上获得了移动式液压泵站的实验数据,对理论分析进行了验证,并确定了水泵的最佳工作点。
The monitoring software of unified dispatching, complete the remote control command receiving, high power amplifier switching machines, ranging transponder, zero value test and control terminal station zero value test, and calculate the control station equipment and the actual distance of zero. 在监控软件的统一调度指挥下,完成遥控指令的接收、高功放的开关机、测距转发、校零终端的零值测试和测控站的零值测试,并计算出测控站设备的实际距离零值。
This paper discusses the influence of crowd activities upon the large floor of station from field test and finite element simulation. The main work and research results are as follow: 1. 本文从现场试验与有限元模拟两个方面探索人群活动对大跨度楼板振动的影响,主要工作与研究成果如下:1.现场振动试验。
In the testing station, the test fail units accounted for about 6%, it cause a large number of products scrap, rework and retest. Therefore improve the process quality is very necessary and urgent. 在对该公司手机摄像头产品进行缺陷测试中,测试位不通过的缺陷产品占6%左右,从而导致大量产品的报废、返工和重测,迫切需要改善产品工序的质量。
The ground base station and airborne test station make of differential GPS position. 地面基准站与机载测试装置共同构成差分定位方式。